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Åttaåriga Nåmis högsta önskan om att få en Gamagutchi i julklapp har precis gått i uppfyllelse. Den här julen är helt perfekt. Förutom pappa som ligge...r i koma på sjukhuset, mamma som viskar i telefonen och grönsakerna i Nåmis soppa som beskyller henne för mord. Det var ju hennes förkylning som gick upp i hans hjärna. För att undvika sina egna skuldkänslor så blir Nåmi besatt av att hålla sin Gamagutchi vid liv. En film i regi av Ditte Lindroth och Anna Furenmo i en serie examensfilmer från Stockholms konstnärliga högskola.
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In Revan (2024), eight-year-old Nåmi's Christmas wish of receiving a Gamagutchi has finally come true. Despite this joyous moment, her perfect holiday season is marred by her father's coma, her mother's mysterious phone conversations, and the vegetables in her soup accusing her of murder. Nåmi carries the weight of her father's condition, believing her cold somehow caused his illness. To absolve herself of guilt, Nåmi becomes fixated on keeping her Gamagutchi alive at all costs. Directed by Ditte Lindroth and Anna Furenmo, Revan is part of a series of graduation films from Stockholm University of the Arts.

In this poignant and thought-provoking film, Nåmi's journey unfolds as she navigates the complexities of guilt, family dynamics, and the challenges of growing up in the face of adversity. Revan (2024) captures the raw emotions of a young girl's struggle to make sense of her world and find solace amidst chaos.