CrimeTime: Freefall (2024) follows the story of Hadley Warner, a retired crime series actress who finds herself embroiled in a real-life mystery in a small town. Using her expertise from years of portraying a detective on television, Hadley teams up with Detective Shawn Caden to crack the case. The unlikely duo must navigate through a web of lies and deception to uncover the truth behind the crime.
Starring Lyndie Greenwood as Hadley Warner and Luke Macfarlane as Detective Shawn Caden, CrimeTime: Freefall offers a thrilling blend of suspense, drama, and mystery. As Hadley and Shawn delve deeper into the investigation, secrets are unraveled, and unexpected twists keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
With impeccable chemistry between the two leads, CrimeTime: Freefall showcases the power of collaboration and perseverance in solving complex cases. Will Hadley be able to apply her on-screen detective skills to the real world? Find out in this gripping tale of intrigue and suspense.
Also Known As:
CrimeTime: FreefallRelease Date:
23 Feb 2024Writers:
Kraig Wenman