Delete Me
Delete Me
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Delete Me

Follows teenage girls Marion and Marit through the infamous Norwegian high school celebration Russefeiring while they discover an insignificant act ca...n turn their lives upside down. Show More


Delete Me is a captivating coming-of-age drama series set against the backdrop of the renowned Norwegian high school celebration called Russefeiring. The storyline centers around two teenage girls, Marion and Marit, as they navigate the thrilling yet treacherous world of adolescence.

As the girls immerse themselves in the revelries of Russefeiring, they soon realize that a seemingly insignificant act has the power to completely upend their lives. The series masterfully explores the consequences of their actions and the profound impact it has on their friendship, relationships, and personal growth.

Through authentic and relatable characters, Delete Me captures the essence of this pivotal phase of life, where friendships are tested and secrets unravel. The series delves into the complex dynamics of teenage relationships, addressing themes of love, jealousy, betrayal, and forgiveness.

Filled with twists and turns, Delete Me keeps audiences hooked with its gripping storyline and nuanced performances. The series offers a thought-provoking exploration of the moral dilemmas faced by teenagers in a digital age, where actions have unforeseen consequences. We witness Marion and Marit grappling with the ramifications of their choices and the challenges of confronting their own demons.

With its compelling narrative, Delete Me is a must-watch for anyone seeking a captivating and realistic portrayal of the turbulence of adolescence and the power of one seemingly insignificant act to alter the course of one's life.

Also Known As:

Delete Me

Release Date:

07 Mar 2021


Marie Kristiansen


2 wins